“Remarcable” Snappers

If a snack has peanut butter and pretzels and chocolate, I’m all in. But it better be good! Snappers didn’t let me down.

Snappers Peanut Butter & Pretzel Cluster Review

Wow. After a few disappointing recent snacks, Snappers delivered. My expectations were pretty high. If I were to design a personal snack, it would either be a sweet and savory trail mix, or something with peanut butter, salt, and chocolate together. So when I saw this bag at the store (Big R, a surprising snack haven), I could not resist. Luckily, I didn’t see the silly “remarcable” pun until I got home, otherwise I probably would have put the bag down.

How Does It Taste?
These are small, salty pretzels shoved on top of each other and held together with a dollop of peanut butter on top and a thin base of chocolate. When you bite in, you get a thick layer of peanut butter, the crunch and saltiness of the pretzels, and some sweet chocolate. It all combines so well! The peanut butter is smooth and not too sweet. The pretzels have a surprising salt kick which makes them more than just a crunch filler. The chocolate is simply fine (surprising since these are made by a chocolatier) but it doesn’t need to wow since there are other great flavors here. When you get to the bottom of the bag with just the pretzel crumbs and chocolate left, it’s a tad disappointing which tells me the peanut butter is the true hero here (or all three ingredients are key for true enjoyment).

Appearance and Expectations
The front of the bag makes these look so perfect! A nice curved peanut butter topping with these pretty ribbons of chocolate, on top of perfectly arranged pretzels. The reality is, it looks like everything has been squashed randomly together. But I do not care. The ingredients still get in your mouth in one bite and that is the key.

Overall Opinion
These are fantastic. One of the best snacks I’ve tried since starting this site. I will be going back to Big R to make these a regular part of my sweet snack routine. Could they be prettier? Could the chocolate be better? Sure. But that didn’t really take away from my enjoyment.

4.5 Adam Heart Eyes


4.5/5 Adam Heart Eyes. The whole package is delicious, but a bit messy and the chocolate could be better. Misses the last 1/2 Adam Heart Eyes for that.


Bacon Jerky…?


Fruity Pebbles Crisps or painted rice cakes