Snyder’s of Hanover Peanut Butter Pretzel Pieces, I expected so much more

Snyder’s of Hanover knows their way around a pretzel, and I’m a huge fan of peanut butter pretzel nuggets in general. So when I saw their Peanut Butter Filled Pretzel Pieces at the grocery store I snatched them up immediately. Shortly after, I was extremely disappointed.

Snyder’s of Hanover Peanut Filled Pretzel Pieces Review

I’m not sure why they call these pretzel “pieces.” Maybe to stand out in the crowded peanut butter pretzel nugget market, and maybe to make this a part of their existing Pieces line. But those are actual broken pretzel pieces and this is a fully intact pretzel filled with peanut butter, so I am confused. Still, I do love the Pieces of all flavors, and Snyder’s in general makes good pretzels, so I really thought this would be good!

How Does It Taste?
The pretzel is under salted, and slightly stale! Really, in my opinion, the best pretzel nuggets are right up at the edge of too salty. Snyder’s went the opposite direction. The peanut butter is fine, but not especially creamy, and is overpowered by the stale pretzel. Each piece was very dry. I know that sounds crazy when talking about a pretzel filled with peanut butter, but most good peanut butter nuggets don’t leave me desperate for a glass of milk after each one.

Appearance and Expectations
The bag is a bit pushy about the peanut butter being “real,” but according to the ingredients list, I would have to agree in their “real” claim. And in general, what’s advertised on the bag is what you get inside. But as soon as I took out the first pretzel and saw the sparse salting, I knew I was in trouble.

Overall Opinion
I will finish the bag but I’ll be annoyed the whole way through. I will not seek these out again. There are plenty of other better pretzel nuggets, both in their peanut butter and saltiness. Snyder’s is still a good pretzel maker, just not here.


2/5 Adam Heart Eyes. They are pretzel nuggets, so it could be worse. But disappointment is a terrible feeling, as is a lack of salt.


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