Oinks: A REAL chocolate-covered bacon strip

I used to live in Washington, DC and near my apartment was a fancy chocolate store. They introduced me to chocolate truffles and all kinds of chocolate bars. And the store also introduced me to Vosges, specifically, their chocolate bacon bar. I remember seeing this and being filled with excitement as I ran home, envisioning a thick strip of bacon just covered in chocolate. Instead, what I got was a chocolate bar with hints of bacon bits. It was a huge disappointment.

So when I stopped into the Genesee Country Store for a bathroom break and a quick snack, I could not believe my eyes when I saw Oinks. A real, unmistakable, chocolate-covered bacon strip.

Oinks: Applewood Smoked Chocolate Covered Bacon Strip

Oinks is exactly what it says it is. There’s a strip of bacon covered in chocolate. Let me say that again just in case: A REAL STRIP OF BACON COVERED IN CHOCOLATE!

How Does It Taste?
Well…my expectations were high and they were not exactly met. This is indeed a strip of bacon inside chocolate. But the bacon is in the quality range of hotel buffet breakfast bacon. On the plus side, they somehow managed to keep the bacon crunchy even when smothered in chocolate, so each bite you get a crisp piece of bacon inside chocolate. You can also taste the smokiness of the bacon and it’s not overpowered by the chocolate even though it looks like the chocolate-to-bacon ratio is high. The chocolate itself is also just fine. This is “dark” chocolate, but it’s pretty sweet for dark and I maybe would have wanted a tad more of that dark chocolate bitterness. Somehow, the chocolate stayed stuck to the bacon as I ate. I would have expected it to crumble all over!

Appearance and Expectations
Nailed it. You unwrap this thing and it looks exactly like what you’d expect. It is unmistakably a chocolate-covered strip of bacon. There’s a bit of a curve to the bacon, but this is definitely not a chocolate bar with bacon hidden in there. If you took away the wrapper and just threw this on a table in front of me, I would still have known it was a strip of bacon covered in chocolate.

Overall Opinion
I was a little disappointed, mostly because the bacon isn’t that great. But at the same time, I could only be so disappointed because there is a Young Adam who had been pining for a chocolate-covered bacons strip for over ten years now. Finally, that Young Adam got what he wanted. Several friends have said I might just need to try making this myself, but my guess is, it’s actually harder than you think to make this and get it right. I do have a jalapeño seasoned flavor I'll try eventually, though it wasn't the chocolate that let me down here so my expectations are low.


3.5/5 Adam Heart Eyes. Got an extra half Adam Heart Eyes for the fulfilled dreams.


KrackCorn might just be its own flavor


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